In my photos the manifestation of my personal rebelliousness came to the fore. I'm keeping an important person in my life that I lost with my rebelliousness and fake happiness. All my feelings that I keep inside me came to the fore in the pictures.
The park I took the photographs of has a value important to me. There I started a new life.
Perhaps being with people I love makes my fake happiness real. All my loved ones give me hope.
The black and white in the photographs add on a little retro and sorrow feelings.
My mother and sister are the only real thing in my life. When my mother plays a game with the tablet, my sister usually tries to get the tablet back. They usually quarrel and my sister waits next to her until she finishes her game to try to take the tablet.
Basketball fields perhaps the only place in life where I find peace. For relaxing and letting go of things little things enough for me. That makes me happy. Scoring a basket, when someone in my team scores a basket or that my team wins the match... These are the kind of things that make me very happy, doesn’t matter whether we win or not. Experiencing these moments and that team spirit means a lot.
Usually we fight a lot with my sister but she is my darling. Sometimes she comes to our basketball practice. In general, she loves to watch, after training she runs and embrace me
This photo I took after school means a lot to me, because I give a lot of importance to my friends in my life. I chose my three photos in order to show my strong connection with my friends. I used shadows to express that in my first photograph.
I have included the second photograph because I feel comfortable when I’m at home on my own. I am a person that likes comfort very much, as you can see. I love to stay at home alone and concentrating on myself. My life is quite colorful and too crowded at the same time, that is why sometimes feels good to stay on my own. Home an important place in my life.
In the last photo I want to show how important my family is. Because I don’t have any brother or sister, I love spending time with my cousins. We have breakfasts together, because I like to be with people as much as with myself. I love to communicate and spend time with people.
In the first photo, I show that I often use the subway to go home; this is how I show my neighborhood.
I am literally addicted to tea and I like drinking tea at home in my spare time, especially when I read a book. This is why I chose the second photograph and, at the same time I wanted to draw attention to the name of the book Hiçbirimiz Masum Degiliz (None of us is innocent).
I took the third photo one day that we forgot to disembark from the ferry because we were tired, sluggish and sleepy. We took the advantage of this opportunity and stretched on the banks of ferry. I thought this would be a nice shot.
The first thing we notice in the photo is the mess. Then papers and pictures that I use to draw on... I love scribble, cut and paste in my spare time.
In the second photo you can see that I am quite sensitive towards animals. Although my dog has his own bowl, there are two smaller bowls next to it because my dog is greedy and I share my food with him in these two bowls.
I wanted to work on the issue of loneliness in the final photograph. Although there are other people around, I wanted to take distance and watch around while smoking and thinking. The display of the phone, which is off, indicates that I don’t want to be disturbed... The chair and table indicate that we are in the modern style decorated room.
In the first photo I took myself lying on my bed. That day I was very tired. This is my room and all my stuff is in different colors because I love to live life in color. My phone and my watch are always next to my pillow at night. When I wake up in the morning the first thing I look is my watch, and linger surfing the internet on my mobile. Checking my mobile occupies a large part of my life: I can say it is always with me.
I think the second photo tells a lot about me. There is complexity: I do not want to be only black and white. Despite this complexity in my life, I'm trying to make it colorful. For me, the colors mean happiness and peace.
In the last photo I wanted to show my easy-going attitude. Everyone in the class is in their own world, just like me. No matter what people are doing around me I do what I want to do at that moment. I'm not tied to anything, I love to live independently and be free.
The first photo is one of my sister, because she is a big part of my life. It was before going to bed so she wore her pyjamas, and when she saw that I began to take her photos, she started to pose.
In this second photo you can see myself with my feet extended, because I'm a person who is constantly waiting. It has been taken at the semester break, when I was waiting to Esra and Duygu for going to the Photography Foundation in Galata. In short, my life flows while I am waiting to someone.
I have drawn since I was 2 years old; I love it and I want this to be my job in the future. Therefore, I usually draw in my spare time.
I took my first photo when I was pretty tired. My picture reflects this: it is blurry and the expression on my face fully reflects fatigue.
In the other photo I show my mother, my sister and my grandmother at home; The reason I chose this photo with my family is because we are constantly sitting together in the living room. I have got to sit with them instead of in my room.
I do not go often with my friends outside of school. For this reason, I chose this last photo, that shows the moment when we are doing our homework. Although it is a place we don’t love much: the workshop. Here we are bored with some homework. Our teachers bore us and they are quite tiring. That is the reason why we don’t love to be at workshops but thanks to our friendship we can have fun even when we are doing homework.
My room... perhaps where I spend most of my time. The t-shirt of my football team (Besiktas) that is hanging on the wall and its colors (black and white) it’s a thing I feel connected with. My room is usually tidy. I'm not a messy person and I do not like clutter.
I'm studying in the graphics department. As in any department, this one also have some difficulties. For example, the work we are doing at the table is a form of print called linoleum. We are carving every single picture with buril and we draw on a special paper. It is a really hard and demanding work. Our class is very crowded but everyone help each other on whatever we need.
The view has been shot from my bedroom window. In the one-story house which is opposite to ours there is an old couple living. When I go out to see them and I chat with them it makes me happy. It's impossible not to be happy when you see their sincerity, anyway.
I lost my grandmother when I was little and I mourned a lot for her; that is why I am bit pessimistic and do not like to feel alone. Also, that is why I love sunset photos. Sunset suggests to me that every beautiful thing comes to an end one day. I wanted to tell this with my photo.
I specifically wanted to show the workshops where I am working three days a week. My friends and I are doing various studies here, such as drawing, printing and painting. I have dedicated years of my life to graphic studies.
Every minute of my life is quite busy and tiring. I have tried to reflect this in the photograph of the tree branches. Sometimes when I feel lonely, my life feels as disorderly as those tree branches.
I am a person who likes spending time with my friends so I wanted to have them in this photo. My friends are always my priority. The places we usually go are colourful. This gives me energy and also influences my personality: makes me happy and it feels good. I usually pay attention to details and prefer entertaining cafes.
I am a quick-tempered person: within ten minutes I can both laugh and cry... While I am laughing for some things, if anything happen and makes me angry I am not able to control myself. In this case, I encounter very different passions. The second photo I caught is my little cousin when she is very angry. I think she is similar to me.
And finally the tools I use in school. I am a graphics student so I like scribble and painting. I wanted to show the tools we use to study in the third picture. It shows I love drawing.
I have portrayed my family in the photo because my family is the greatest treasure of my life. I share my joy and my sadness with them; they always share with me both good and bad days.
In the other photo I'm with my father. As you know little girls are always the princess of their fathers, that is how I was. I was my dad's little princess... It is not important how old we are, we are always small for our family and this is a very good thing. Even if you are 30 years old they still care and protect you. My father is very important to me . He is my first love and it will always stay the same. If you are a girl, your father is your hero and your first love.
Usually there were three people in our family breakfasts. I get up early in the morning and go to school before them. I get up early for going to work on weekends too. Sometimes when I don’t work on Sundays, I can stay for breakfast but unfortunately this is not always possible.
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