The next step was sending our pictures to the other group. Each participant worked on the pictures of the assigned person from the other city and wrote his/her interpretation on them:
The first picture is a wide shot, I can see that he is a football lover. I also see that he is a tidy person who cares for his family (because of the photo frame). I can feel he is a quiet person, who likes being with his family.
He is also stable.The second picture is a medium shot. I can see that he is in an Arts class and I can feel he likes drawing, observing and working with people.
The third photo is a wide shot. I can see it is a poor neighbourhood, with different people. The person who took this photo wants to show us where he/she lives and how he/she lives.
Despite living in a crowded environment she is trying to stand out from the crowd.
She is looking for peace in the silence, looking at life from outside as an observer.
She lives in a tidy and regular environment, and spends a large part of her life outside.
According to what I see transportation is a familiar topic to Duygu . Two of the three pictures are related to means of transport. With the second picture she wants to express this tiredness. She is having some tea, she might have it every day but I would say she has it when she gets home, to relax.
In the third picture, she shows her daily morning ferry trip to Istanbul, since there are some people who take advantage of the trip to have a nap.
In the first picture she shows that she takes the underground after studying. I believe Duygu apart from studying also works. She might study in the mornings and work in the evenings.
From my point of view, Duygu might not have much time for leisure and she probably has little social life, not much fun, on the contrary, studying and working makes people get tired, and that's why she might need to have her red tea. One can see neither leisure nor open air, as though she were within her own world and not interested in anything else.
In the third picture, she shows her daily morning ferry trip to Istanbul, since there are some people who take advantage of the trip to have a nap.
In the first picture she shows that she takes the underground after studying. I believe Duygu apart from studying also works. She might study in the mornings and work in the evenings.
From my point of view, Duygu might not have much time for leisure and she probably has little social life, not much fun, on the contrary, studying and working makes people get tired, and that's why she might need to have her red tea. One can see neither leisure nor open air, as though she were within her own world and not interested in anything else.
Judging by the writing on the wall I think this image must be taken in a religious venue. And by making such an emphasis on that image, I think Azhar takes his religion seriously.
Also, I can see from the photos he is quite into technology. Judging by the screwdriver on the table he is not only into technology, he likes also repairing and operating gadgets.
At the same time, he is untidy and may be someone who does not care about his stuff. Judging by the child shoe at the bottom of the computer desk, he might have a sister. I guess he is fond of his comfort and he has sports footwear so he works out, I suppose.
In the first picture she is at a workshop with her friends. She looks focused on her work, as though she were in another world. She might be preparing some task to present in class. Working with her hands looks relaxing. Also, you can see an effect in the picture: one of her friends looks a bit blurred whereas she is more focused.
In the next picture she appears with a more serious face while taking a picture of herself. The image is blurred, as done on purpose, so it might have been her choice.
In the last picture we can see her family watching TV in their living-room. The light is different from the other photos, because it is not natural, it does not come from the sun, and therefore the effect is dimmer.

In this photo, Hriday might have wanted to tell something about loneliness. It seems he has climbed at the top of a building and he might have climbed up there for finding peace: there is calmness, clarity in the photo. The houses are very close to each other, it must be very crowded place and, because of that, I think he went up to take the photo: to get away from people. The sun set and the colors of it are very simple. It seems a nice place to rest.
The second photo is also very quiet. There are few object
s. Hriday does not seem very introverted, maybe he finds entertainment on the internet that cannot find in real life. He must be a very tidy person. His bed looks quite neat and there is not much furniture around, so it is an indication of his tidiness to me.
The house we can see in the last photo seems a sort of student house. He must love technology. I think he is a rigorous person that likes having everything under control.
In this picture we can see that the photographer took a photograph from an anonymous perspective. Why did she do so? It could be for fun, just to play with the shades or for any other reason.
A personal moment, alone at home. She might be depressed or just watching TV after having got up in the morning. On the other hand, if we look at her right leg, we can create something imaginary.
Having a meal with the family. A moment when everybody tells how their day was. But in photography we cannot see what they are talking about. Is it because they are hungry and they are fighting for the food? Apparently not. It was probably taken while no one was talking. For instance, if we look at the person on the right, he/she might seem to have dropped some jam and everybody is looking at this person. Or any other reason.
Judging by the writing on the wall I think this image must be taken in a religious venue. And by making such an emphasis on that image, I think Azhar takes his religion seriously.
Also, I can see from the photos he is quite into technology. Judging by the screwdriver on the table he is not only into technology, he likes also repairing and operating gadgets.
At the same time, he is untidy and may be someone who does not care about his stuff. Judging by the child shoe at the bottom of the computer desk, he might have a sister. I guess he is fond of his comfort and he has sports footwear so he works out, I suppose.
In the first picture she is at a workshop with her friends. She looks focused on her work, as though she were in another world. She might be preparing some task to present in class. Working with her hands looks relaxing. Also, you can see an effect in the picture: one of her friends looks a bit blurred whereas she is more focused.
In the next picture she appears with a more serious face while taking a picture of herself. The image is blurred, as done on purpose, so it might have been her choice.
In the last picture we can see her family watching TV in their living-room. The light is different from the other photos, because it is not natural, it does not come from the sun, and therefore the effect is dimmer.
The first photo shows a quiet residential area. This is the place where he might live or may be somewhere he goes to very often. It is a very clean place. Since he has chosen these photos from the others, it must have been somewhere he has had an important memory of or where he spends a lot of time. Perhaps it is the place where he grew up.
The second photo is also taken at the same place, and in both photos there is a particular order: perhaps he is a meticulous and organized person, and might have wanted to reflect this in the photos.
I think he has taken himself in the last photo. If it is a self-portrait, he seems quite happy: he is happy to be in the photo. Again a photo from the same place... it is obviously an important place for him. His clothes and the location are in perfect harmony: I suppose he is looking for peace and he comes here often to get it.
The first picture wants to show that she is a tidy person who likes technical drawing. I believe she is a girl because there are some pink objects on the table.
In the second picture, the photographer wants to show that the dog is her favourite pet and that it is very affectionate with the photographer. The dog seems to have eaten something as it is licking its nose.
The third picture wants to show sadness and boredom. It might be the very city where the photographer lives. They seem to be at a restaurant watching football and smoking. A cigarette is on the ashtray and it is a black and white photo.
In this photo, Hriday might have wanted to tell something about loneliness. It seems he has climbed at the top of a building and he might have climbed up there for finding peace: there is calmness, clarity in the photo. The houses are very close to each other, it must be very crowded place and, because of that, I think he went up to take the photo: to get away from people. The sun set and the colors of it are very simple. It seems a nice place to rest.
The second photo is also very quiet. There are few object
s. Hriday does not seem very introverted, maybe he finds entertainment on the internet that cannot find in real life. He must be a very tidy person. His bed looks quite neat and there is not much furniture around, so it is an indication of his tidiness to me.
The house we can see in the last photo seems a sort of student house. He must love technology. I think he is a rigorous person that likes having everything under control.
In this picture we can see that the photographer took a photograph from an anonymous perspective. Why did she do so? It could be for fun, just to play with the shades or for any other reason.
A personal moment, alone at home. She might be depressed or just watching TV after having got up in the morning. On the other hand, if we look at her right leg, we can create something imaginary.
Having a meal with the family. A moment when everybody tells how their day was. But in photography we cannot see what they are talking about. Is it because they are hungry and they are fighting for the food? Apparently not. It was probably taken while no one was talking. For instance, if we look at the person on the right, he/she might seem to have dropped some jam and everybody is looking at this person. Or any other reason.
He seems tense and distressed to me, and the reason of that could be the uncertainty about his life. I think he tries to stay away from people and that he is happier alone. It looks like he likes darkness. Maybe is someone who lives life in a complex way, but he is hopeful within this complexity.
I suppose his school is a place lined with concrete and only a few trees planted. This gives me the impression of having a dull and boring life. Taking children photographs from the top somehow represents him staying away from people, and being rather intertwined with technology. He seems to be quite into the technology and fed up with the outside world. So I think he is trying to find happiness through technology.
In the first picture that the photographer has sent we can see a person sitting on a bench, though we don't know if it is the photographer. The person is listening to music because she has some headphones on connected to her mobile phone. I can feel that she is a quiet and happy person who likes listening to music.
In the second picture Fatma shows a little girl, who is probably her sister. In the photo we see a berth, which she probably shares with her sister. The girl in the photo might be between 8 and 10 years old. Her sister is hanging from the berth and looks happy.
The third picture is the most artistic. In it we find paintings, paintbrushes and a drawing of fruit pieces. In the picture we can see an apple, half a kiwi and what seems to be two hazelnuts. The picture tells me that she is about to paint the drawing, that's why she has everything prepared. I think she is a painter because she is very good at it.
The first photo was probably taken during a training. I think they are warming up before exercise and the person in front may be their instructor. In the second photo we see a few balls and worn out trainers. The trainer can be a proof that he has been interested in this sport for a long time. When we look at the last photo, we can see that it is a sports shop in a shopping center. We see the sports brand from the table football and the objects around.
If we make a general comment about the photographs, we can say football has become a very important part of his life.
The Jewish community called him “the shmuck from Hanover who joined the army,” he recalls with a laugh.