The picture shows that the photographer likes having a relaxing time with her friends. The boy in the right seems to be talking with the girl and the one in the middle is listening to them and talking on the phone. In the background we can see five black and white pictures and three in colour. The photo has artificial light, it is in colour and a medium shot.
In the picture there is a small child at home, next to the couch. The boy might be asking for something, or, probably, something important or necessary has been taken away from him, so he might have got upset. It is an artificial light picture, in colour and medium shot.
In the picture we can see some broken or disassembled tools. We can also see a pink case on the left, and on the right we can see a kind of stone brick, which might have been used. Finally, we can observe that all these materials are scattered around the place.
In the first photo, the young girl may be his girlfriend or his sister. The girl's expression shows that she is quite satisfied to be in the photo. At the same time the dog next to her shows that she loves animals. The scattered belongings in the background show he is a carefree and untidy person.
The second photo shows either the joy of victory after a handball game or it is a beginning of the game. This shows his love of the sport, but also may indicate that he is one of the supporters, although there are no spectators and this may be the team's training.
I think the third photo shows the moment when the goal keeper saves a goal. The photographer shots in that moment of saving, or during a goal. I believe Miguel likes the excitement of this sport.
These are the three pictures that correspond to me and they have been made by Buğra Erdoğan:In the first picture I think that the girl who appears is his sister and the woman next to her might be his mum. To me, the room belongs to a girl because it looks very girly. The woman looks like she is doing or watching something on an Ipad.
In the second picture, I can see a playground. It could be his school or a city park. I believe he likes playing basketball because there is a basket, and I also think he might like nature since there are many trees.
In the last photo, I believe I see the same girl as the one in the first picture, who could be his sister. She might be around 7 or 8 years old and looks very happy because she has a wide smile on her face. I think the photo was taken in a school gym, probably his or his sister's school.
Munni’s introversion is on the foreground of her photographs. In the photographs, the feelings of loneliness are clearly expressed by four walls, as well as with dark colors. I think her school is between the four walls and buildings. It is obvious that she is rather bored with the chaos of the city. I think she could be very introverted.
In the first picture the photographer wants to show her favourite moment, with her friends after class. They are tidying up, talking on the phone or finishing some work. We can also see that she like arts class because there are drawings and crafts around. She probably has fun there.
The second picture is taken either at sunset or at dawn. I think she wants to express that she likes nature or she likes to observe this beautiful moment, or she simply likes to go there to relax. She might also like to observe the colours we can see at this moment and feel the warmth of the sun.
In the third picture we can infer that she likes the shapes that nature shows, like the angled branches. The shapes of these branches remind us of a spider web. It also means that she likes everything related to nature, as we can see in the second picture. We also see that it is winter time.
In the first one, he took the photograph of the chain of the engine. This may indicate his commitment to someone, or that there is a great interest towards the engine.
In the third photo he might have represented the rain drops as tears. He might have lost a loved one or may be forced to walk away from him/her.
In general, there is sadness and sorrow in his photographs, as if something has upset him.
The first photo shows the photographer, I suppose. I am not sure of what she wanted to express, but I believe she likes music and she was in one of those solitary moments when nothing matters, just her and the music.
In the second picture there are several people in a room, probably her classmates. This photo shows companionship and that she also enjoys being with peo
ple and not to be alone. She expresses the opposite from the previous picture.
ple and not to be alone. She expresses the opposite from the previous picture.
The third picture is blurred. We do not know if it was her choice or it is due to not having much time. In this photo we can see the city. She wants to tell us how much she likes it .
I think the first photo has been taken in a school. Surroundings are clean and tidy and the works at the background of the photo are probably students' works. The chosen location is very bright and everyone seems quite comfortable. He might like to play or watch basketball. He loves to listen to music too.
I think music plays an important role in his life. He is probably spending a lot of time at school and it seems that he loves to be alone rather than with people.
Wide shot, in colour. Artificial illumination from above. We can see a room with a bed and a curtain. There is a man in the bed. He is in a blue shirt, we cannot see the rest of his clothes because they are covered. There is a person standing next to the bed and looking at the man. She is wearing a black jacket and has her hands together.
Medium shot. Artificial illumination. We can see two people sitting on a couch. An old man kissing a young woman. They are probably grandfather and granddaughter. The girl is closing her eyes and smiling. She wants to show how happy she is with her grandfather.
Wide shot. Natural illumination. We can see a family eating together. There is a woman, a boy and a man, and they are in their dining-room. They are looking at their meal, having breakfast. It looks like a healthy meal. We can see many paintings and some decoration in the room, so I might say that the woman likes decorating. Yağmut Ocak wants to show happiness in a family. And the only moment they get together is at meals.
Looking at the second and third pictures I would say that the man is not her grandfather but her father. The woman is her mother and the boy her brother. With the three pictures we could build a story: The father is ill and the mother brings him good news. When her father gets home he kisses his daughter. She shows her happiness. The next day they all have a healthy breakfast, especially for the father. Nice family.
Faisal loves playing music on the street. He has a commitment to his guitar and his life is based on music. If he plays music on the street he starts late. He is continuously in the crowd but he also wants to be alone.
In the photo where he took his feet, the yellowed leaf comes to the fore in the line. He might have shot it just for aesthetic image. He might be a person who enjoys music and is happy, but also loves loneliness and simplicity.
It is a sepia photograph. We can see a boy lying on a classroom table with his bag next to him. There is also somebody taking a ‘making of’. He wants to show that is relaxed and happy.
This is a black and white photo. There is an empty park and the trees have few leaves. The park is very clean and quiet. The photography wants to transmit two things: that winter is coming or that leaves are growing because spring is near.
This black and white picture shows a boy smoking. He is alone in a classroom, so nobody can see him. He wants to show that he enjoys smoking.
In the first photo the construction in the background show us that the city is cluttered, but this does not affect Zyrish. The close up to her face feels that she is at peace with herself. The street she is living on must be valuable for her. The street seems more peaceful than a street in our country. I felt that because the street is clean and tidy.
Although Barcelona is a Christian city I suppose encountering other religions must be normal, as the photo of two women with headscarves shows there are Muslims living in the area. Maybe the reason of them leaning forward is that they are having a conversation but for me it also suggests that they are not comfortable living in another country. But Zyrish and her close circle seem to have no problem about it.